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The GVSA have a new email address, please email to contact us

We are a group of parents/carers who volunteer to organise fund-raising activities for the school. We always need new members and new ideas so please do get in touch if you have a fundraising idea or you would like to help out where you can, or just come along to a meeting to see what happens. You can email or complete the contact form below. 

What is on . . .

GVSA Summer Fair

Our summer fair including BBQ, bar, games and raffle will be held on Friday 12th July. We would love to see GV families and staff there as well as families whose children are joining the school in Reception in September 2024.

The event will take place from 6-8pm in the Key Stage 2 playground.

We really value all input to the GVSA ideas. If you are able to attend a meeting to help discuss how events run and what we can do next to raise money please come to the next meeting.

Contact the GVSA with your ideas or to find out how to be involved!