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House Leaders and School Council

New School Council Representatives have been elected democratically by their peers. They meet weekly with school leaders where they make suggestions for how to improve the school, as well as planning events and activities for the school and local community. 

The Year 6 House Captains act as ambassadors for the school and are important role models for our younger pupils. They were chosen by staff to represent the school and have been selected for their effort, attitude and strong values. On a Friday, they collect the house points that get shared with the school on a Monday assembly. 

School Council representatives were elected by their classmates after giving campaign speeches.  All candidates needed to speak eloquently and give reasons as to why they would be good representatives for their class.  

School Council members report back to their own classes and also to KS1 classes and bring ideas for future events to meetings.  It is also a forum to allow children to bring up points for discussion, for example, "could we have a lunchtime homework club?" and "how can we improve our learning environment?"  All ideas are discussed and passed to Mr Riordan and as many as possible are actioned.  Previous successes include choosing a Buddy Bench to put on the playground as a place for children to go if they cannot find a friend to play with. School Council members will then help the children to find some friends or organise a game with them. 

Last year, Year 6 School Councillors planned a lovely event for families to participate in over the Christmas period. They wrote to families and encouraged them to produce a colourful window display; they produced a map for families to follow to find the displays. The 'Window Wanderland' was promoted to the whole local community via Nailsea People and the displays were super! 

Our School Council have helped the staff to make lunchtimes and breaktimes happier for all children and have worked to involve our school in community events. 

South Park Primary School - School Council