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School Uniform

Uniform / Dress Code at Golden Valley


The colours of the school’s dress code are bottle green, grey and white. The following lists should guide your purchase of items of school clothing to encourage uniformity and a true sense of community and belonging amongst children.

Uniform items with embroidered logos are available online from School Togs; other plain items are available from most high street retailers and stores.

It is not a school expectation that children wear our branded uniform but all clothing must be in the school colours.


Uniform Guide

Bottle green sweatshirt, cardigan or hoodie (embroidered options available from School Togs)

White shirt/polo shirt (embroidered polo shirts available from School Togs)

Grey pinafore, skirt, trousers or shorts (appropriate for school - not fashion items)

Grey socks or tights in winter, white or grey socks in summer

Dark coloured shoes

In Summer months, a green/white checked or striped summer dress can be worn as an alternative to the above.

In Spring / Winter months a green fleece jacket with the school logo may be worn (these can be purchased from School Togs)

Trainers should not be worn as everyday shoes for any child unless it is a PE day (see below).


Hair and Make-Up

Hair dying/colouring is not appropriate for school (unless there is a special reason such as a school charity event). Similarly, extreme haircuts, excessive use of hair products or motifs shaved into hair are to be avoided during school terms.

Hair bands and accessories should be plain and simple and not overly decorative.

Make-up, including nail polish, is not appropriate to be worn by pupils to school.


PE Clothing 

On days that your child has PE, they must wear their PE kit to school. 

This is a plain T shirt in your child's House colour and plain grey / black shorts.

Grey / black tracksuit bottoms or leggings and a bottle green sweatshirt/hoodie should also be worn.  This can be their uniform sweatshirt/hoodie, there is no need to purchase a separate one.

All PE items should be plain and without any logos unless it is the school logo. These can also be purchased from School Togs, or there are many high street or online retailers that sell them.

On PE days only, your child should wear trainers to school.

All long hair needs to be tied back for every PE session and ideally on  non-PE days as well.



All Year 4 children will take part in swimming lessons. Girls should wear one-piece swimming costumes (no bikinis) and boys should wear swimming trunks, not loose-fitting shorts. A swimming cap is required; these can be purchased from the School Office.



The only jewellery permitted in school are stud earrings and a watch. Earrings (small studs only) need to be removed for all PE activities after they have been pierced for 6 weeks or more. Where a child has newly pierced ears, tape or plasters must be provided from home for covering to take place.




Y6 Leavers Hoodies

It has become tradition for parents to arrange a group purchase of hoodies for their children at the beginning of Y6.  The school is happy for these to be worn to school provided they are in the school colours.  If a different colour is chosen they can be worn at School Camp but not to school.

Purchasing School Uniform

All school uniform can be purchased on-line from School Togs. You can access their website here: School Togs

Non-badged uniform is available from most high stree retailers and stores.

Second Hand School Uniform

The Golden Valley School Association have stock of second-hand uniform and regularly hold sales at very reasonable prices. They can also arrange access to their stock for new joiners. 

You can also follow them on Facebook here.


Other Suppliers

Non-branded trousers, skirts, jumpers, cardigans, polo tops etc. from supermarkets and other retailers are acceptable (provided they are in the school colours detailed above).